
CSS Transitions: Enhance User Experience with Smooth Animations

Image for undefined
Ahmet Ulutaş

Ahmet Ulutaş

CSS animations are a great way to improve user experience and add a visually appealing touch to your website. As I always emphasize, if you want to become an expert in a subject, you need to have solid and lasting knowledge of the fundamentals and/or seemingly simple concepts. Here, I emphasize that if you want to learn CSS, you should first master the CSS language itself before diving into CSS frameworks (like Tailwind, Bootstrap, etc.). With CSS transitions, you can quickly and easily add smooth animations to your site. In this blog post, I will explain how to use CSS transitions, where they can be useful, and how to implement them with examples.

What is a CSS Transition? #

A CSS transition allows changes to CSS properties to occur over a specified duration, instead of happening instantly. In other words, when there’s a style change in an element, it doesn’t happen abruptly but rather transitions smoothly.

Where Can CSS Transitions Be Used?

  • Button Color Changes: Gradually change the color of a button when hovered over.
  • Menu Opening/Closing Animations: Make the opening and closing of a menu appear more natural.
  • Image Size Adjustments: Gradually change image sizes, hover animations.

Basic Structure of CSS Transitions #

The use of CSS transitions is quite simple. To add a transition to an element, we use the transition property.

  • property: Specifies which CSS property will undergo a transition (e.g., width, background-color, opacity).
  • duration: Specifies how long the transition will take (e.g., 1s, 500ms).
  • timing-function: Defines how the speed of the transition will change (e.g., ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out).
  • delay: Specifies how long to wait before the transition starts (optional).

Example: Button Color Change

Let’s say you want the background color of a button to change smoothly when hovered over. Let’s add the code:


In this example, when the button is hovered over, the background color will smoothly transition from blue to green. The transition: background-color 0.3s ease; statement makes the background color change over 0.3 seconds with an ease animation curve.

Timing Function #

The timing function in CSS transitions defines how the speed of the animation will be distributed. Common values include:

  • ease: Starts slow, speeds up, then slows down.
  • linear: Maintains a constant speed.
  • ease-in: Starts slow, then speeds up.
  • ease-out: Starts fast, then slows down.
  • ease-in-out: Starts and ends slow.

Let’s look at an example:


In this example, when you hover over the div element with the .box class, its width will smoothly grow from 100px to 200px. This growth animation takes 1 second and both starts and ends slowly.

Using Multiple Properties for Transitions #

CSS transitions aren’t limited to just one property. You can apply them to multiple properties by separating them with commas.


In this example, we applied transitions to both the width and the background color. The width increases over 0.5 seconds, while the background color changes over 0.3 seconds.

Conclusion #

CSS transitions are simple yet effective tools that add visual depth and fluidity to your website. They are easy to use and highly performant since they are optimized by browsers. Don’t forget to add CSS transitions to your site to make it more modern and user-friendly!

If you want to enrich your website with animations, CSS transitions are a great place to start. However, it's important to remember that every animation should aim to improve the user experience. Using animations carefully and strategically, without going overboard (which is crucial because one measure of avoiding excess is to ensure that animations enhance user experience), will create a better site experience.



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